Oliver Class
We warmly welcome you to Oliver Class.
Our classroom is filled with warmth, energy and laughter. Children learn better when they feel happy, safe and settled, we provide this environment in abundance. Wrap up warm in the winter months as we can be found in our outdoor area persevering with our learning and challenging our ideas.
We will support your child to develop their independence, confidence and resilience, ensuring they strive to be the best they can whilst in our class. We have high expectations and work with our families to promote good citizens and members of the wider community. We are proud to have members of our class in both our School and Eco Council.
Parents can contact us on Class Dojo, look out for regular messages, reminders and general information about Oliver Class.
Please read all the information within our half termly newsletter outlining our learning and in your child's Home Learning book and as always, speak to us if you have any questions.
We are looking forward to working with you and being part of your child’s journey at St Mary’s school.
Mrs Booker